Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas already?

Five months since I made my last posting - doesn't that speak volumes about blogs? Since the last post I haven't been entirely lazy, I have been busy putting some of the new tools into practice so may be now is a good time to take stock. Second Life Still think this is a very powerful educational tool and delighted to see that it is catching on across the University to the point of having our own BNU island. Whilst the minor deity that is JL is busy building a replica of BNU, I have got down to the more seasonal application of building Christmas presents! Not terribly useful but at least they'll be in my inventory for next year. Tried to build instinctively at first (see Exhibit A the snowman). Rather more helpful are the SL tutorials you can find on You Tube (see Exhibit B the gift wrapped box) - some of which are linked below. The current plan is to task Ads & Proms students to run their ad campaigns in SL. The opportunities are endless for Events and Sports courses, but the island needs a little more development first.

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