Saturday 7 July 2007

Breaking out of the classroom

I think this is going to be a rant! Why are we still teaching in classrooms? Seriously why? Why do we sit young people down in straight rows facing a million powerpoint presentations of what's in the text book? And why do we do this in 3 hour blocks? I get the impression that most of them find this pretty boring and go to great lengths to avoid class at all cost. My most effective course for years took place largely in the canteen. (Granted that the small numbers on the course allowed this and the usual timetabling problems encouraged it.) As a group we dropped the terms class, classroom, lecture (particularly powerpoint) and essays, replacing such a traditional approach with business meetings, agendas, action points and budgets. Never mind what they learned - I learned stacks! Funny though the average for the module was 64%! So something must have worked. Right, when was the last time you were "in class"? How much did you learn? Okay - put another way - what percentage of time were you really taking in and understanding new material? How much of the class was covering what you should know by now, what was in the reading you should have done, and some sort of introduction to what is coming next and what tasks you should be doing next? Go back to VARK - how does a 3 hour class, delivered mostly from the board, appeal to any given learning style? The Visuals start looking out of the window, the Kinasthetics start texting or talking, the Aurals turn to their i-pods and the Read/Writes reach for their newspapers! Where do you learn best? In meetings? In a quiet room with a vast desk covered in books, journals and other research sources? Or, like me, by a PC, in an empty house, with the Kaiser Chiefs blaring out at a million decibels? Why do we expect students to be any different? (I just had terrible trouble embedding this video - thanks go to all the very helpful people on the blogger help discussion sites that I got there in the end.) So where is this rant going? Well to another posting concerning learning spaces and social/community learning.


Anonymous said...


There has been a mixed response to the 'Deschooling' concept of Illich; see this link.

Of course Illich had profound sociological objections to the way school was, and you perhaps are more pragmatic, observing simply that it doesn't work very well? I think one of the problems is that without significant resources and very out-of-the-box thinking, (of a kind that generally costs a lot, because many of those who can do it are busy making money) deschooling could result in an even greater divide between the haves and the have-nots.

On the other hand, who could argue against the proposition that trying to learn in such an artificial and sterile environment is daft? A quick look at many assessments underlines this sense that what we are doing is false and pointless!! Maybe blended learning will yet rescue 'formal' education?

Tommy Dingleford.

Anonymous said...

Trust Tommy to come out with all that mumbo jumbo. This has nothing to do with 'Deschooling Society'- rather it is the simple observation of what works and what doesn't. C'mon Tommy, get a life.

Jez Springfield.

Anonymous said...

Jez, are you always this objectionable? Who rattled your cage? Let Tommy have his say, and please don't diss him. He's a cutie.

Lizzie Alberfield.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, Lizzie, your comments display the poor attitude I've had to get used to. Let's remain professional about this, no matter how hard it is for some of us.

Is there a moderator on this list? If so, please regard this as a formal complaint about the comments of Lizzie. I hope she gets kicked off, and has to roam the open Boards for people to read her stuff. Sorry Lizzie, but it is your own doing.

Tommy Dingleford.

Anonymous said...

Ey!!! Don't I get any say in this? It was me she dissed!!

I'm happy for Lizzie to write what she likes- it's a free world ain't it?

Moderator, don't take any notice of Tommy- leave Lizzie be.

All the best Lizzie

Jez Springfield

Anonymous said...

OK, if that's how you feel, I'm leaving the list. Farewell you immature individuals.

Tommy Dingleford.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I seem to have caused an upset.



Anonymous said...


It wasn't you who made Tommy throw his rattle out of the pram. Let him go and annoy people on some other list.


PS Lizzie, I am going to Cinema on Friday, to see that film you said you liked. Do you want a lift?

Anonymous said...


I have got a lift from Sally. Can we meet you around 7pm by the Dog stall?

Best wishes


Anonymous said...


How did you get on the other night at the Cinema? You never said.



Anonymous said...


How do you put up with all this stuff on your site, when people are not talking about the thing it is about? I am fed up of it all, are you?

Best wishes

Szal Chicco

Anonymous said...

Szal and everyone

Just a quick note to say got a contract in LA, so I'm off!!! I don't know if I can find the time to blog you all from over there, but I'll try.

All the best

Lizzie Alberfield

Anonymous said...


Here I am in Sunny LA!! I got connected to internet already. Am staying with my cousin Guy. He's so generous, didn't even mind when I borrowed his car yesterday and wrecked his trunk when I spun round and went backwards into a garbage cart.

I've been thinking of the very first message in this discussion- about deschooling. Over here, zillions of people teach their kids at home!!! It's sort of normal in some hoods (I mean neighborhoods, it's an abbreviation they use over here!!!!!). Mind you, a lot that happens in LA is sort of normal and crazy at the same time!!!


Lizzie (Stateside!!!!)

Anonymous said...


But don't you think a lot of people who educate their children at home are odd types? I mean, I don't like labels any more than you Lizzie, but really- don't you think it attracts the weird types? What does it do to the children as they grow up- I'd love to see some research on that Lizzie.

Mind you, I agree that a lot of what we do in schools etc is really boring and pointless.


Jez Springfield (Still in Grimsby, but possibly moving to Cleethorpes).

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